Beslissingen, psychologisch: het staafjes experiment

Het staafjes experiment is ooit eens uitgevoerd gezien op televisie door de redactie, die daarvan stijl achterover sloeg, omdat zij zich niet kon voorstellen dat iemand ooit een ander antwoord zou geven dan het in eigen ogen correcte - dit onder het aloude Rotterdamse motto: "Als honderd man in de Maas springen, spring je er toch ook niet achter aan?" In het populaire-wetenschap blad Triv (dec. 2007) kwam eindelijk de bron boven water - onderstaand de Wikipedia versie (
  Asch conformity experiments

AschThe Asch conformity experiments, which were published in 1953, were a series of studies that starkly demonstrated the power of conformity in groups. These are also known as the "Asch Paradigm".
    One of the pairs of cards used in the experiment. The card on the left has the reference line and the one on the right shows the three comparison lines. Experiments led by Solomon Asch asked students to participate in a "vision test." In reality, all but one of the participants were confederates of the experimenter, and the study was really about how the remaining student would react to the confederates' behavior.
    The participants — the real subject and the confederates — were all seated in a classroom where they were told to announce out loud their judgment of the length of several lines drawn on a series of displays. They were asked which line was longer than the other, which were the same length, etc. The confederates had been prearranged to all give an incorrect answer to the tests.
    While most subjects answered correctly, many showed extreme discomfort, and a high proportion (32%) conformed to the erroneous majority view of the others in the room when there were at least three confederates present, even when the majority said that two lines different in length by several inches were the same length. When the confederates were not unanimous in their judgment, subjects were much more likely to defect than when the confederates all agreed. Control subjects with no exposure to a majority view had no trouble giving the correct answer.   ...

Merk op dat de originele vorm van het experiment anders is dan de door de redactie geziene en gebruikte, en ietwat minder doorslaggevend - in de nieuwe vorm kozen de mensen ook daadwerkelijk het foute staafje.

Naar Beslissingen  , of site home  .

17 dec.2007