Test watchState
Function that waits for a given parameter to go true.
Helpful when one has to wait for an asynchronous function, for example when loading data from the server. The loading function must turn a parameter to true when finished, then no waiting through setTimeout() is necessary
General: watchState(watchForParm, executeFunction, execFunctParms, parmsObj)
Usage: watchState(watchParm, exFunc, "parm", {interval: 300, expirationFunction: noExec});
watchParm: parameter to be watched
exFunc: function to be executed. Define through: var exFunc = function(){};
parm: parameters to be given to executed function
parmsObj: parameters given to watchState:
interval, default 100 -
expirationTime, default 3000 -
expirationFunction, default: none;
waitSymbol, default false.
Click to
Click to
int: 250 - exp. time: 5000 - loopcount max: 20