Bronnen bij Allochtonendebat, misverstanden: "de wet"

14 aug.2013

"Zolang ze zich maar aan de wet houden" is in zijn diverse verschijningsvormen een populaire drogreden van politiek-correcten en multiculturalisten. Hier een mooie vorm van weerlegging:

Uit: The Litigation Manual, First Supplement, Priscilla A. Schwab (2007, ABA Publishing) uitleg of detail

In the film ”A Few Good Men", two young Marines stationed at Guantanamo Bay are charged with murdering a fellow soldier in their company, Private Santiago. Defense counsel Lieutenant Daniel Kaffee (Tom Cruise} maintains that Santiago died while receiving a code red (a hazing ritual intended to improve a Marines performance) and that the defendants lacked the requisite criminal intent because senior officers ordered them to perform the ritual. To support this theory, the defense calls Corporal Jeffrey Barnes (Noah Wiley), who testifies that code reds are periodically used to improve a soldier’s performance.
    On cross-examination of Barnes, Captain Jack Ross, the prosecutor (Kevin Bacon), tries to show that code reds are not an authorized military procedure. He hands Barnes the Marine Outline for Recruit Training and then the Standard Operating Procedure, Rifle Security Company, Guantanamo Bay, Cuba:

  Ross: Corporal Barnes, I am a Marine. Is there no book, no manual or pamphlet, no set of orders or regulations that lets me know that as a Marine one of my duties is to perform code reds?
Barnes: No sir, no book sir.
Ross: No further questions.

    As the prosecutor returns to counsel table, defense counsel Kaffee grabs the operating manual from his hands and approaches the witness. ...
  Kaffee: Corporal, would you turn to the page in this book that says where the mess hall is please?
Barnes: Well, Lieutenant Kaffee, that's not in the book sir.
Kaffee: You mean to say in all your time at Gitmo you’ve never had a meal?
Barnes: No sir, three squares a day sir.
Kaffee: I don't understand, how did you know where the mess hall was if it’s not in this book?
Barnes: Well, I guess I just followed the crowd at chow time sir,
Kaffee: [grabbing the book] No more questions.

Red.:   Het spreekt volkomen voor zich dat het aantal niet-vastgelegde regels het aantal in de wet vastgelegde in zeer grote mate overschrijdt. Om precies te zijn: in de dagelijkse omgang zijn die vast-gelegde regels veel belangrijker dan de wet. Door bijvoorbeeld te gaan rondparaderen in hoofddoeken en djellaba's overtreden moslims geen wet. Maar ze overtreden vele niet-vastgelegde regels.

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